
Panther City Arts



The Problem of Partisanship: A Liberal Rant

I am liberal.

I make no bones about it. I am a fully partisan liberal. I believe that liberal governance is the best source for our Republic.

We live in an increasingly partisan country. It’s troubling. And, I’m clearly not the only one who has noticed as article after article have lamented the seemingly endless rush to the edges of the political spectrum.

Fingers are pointed in either direction, attempting to cast the blame on each other instead of figuring out how to mend the divide.

There was a time, in fact throughout most of 240 year history, when this country was all about the middle ground. Sometimes it shifted a bit left, sometimes a bit right. But, overall it stayed close to center. This was a time when Congress was generally able to work together. Senators from each side of the aisle would leave work after a long day of legislating and head to dinner or drinks together.

Anecdotal stories tell us that doesn’t really happen much anymore.

You see, the reason I’m writing this piece today isn’t to do what so many other journalists have done over the last few years. I’m not writing a treatise against partisanship.

I’m writing for for consideration of our system of government.

Look, you won’t always get your way. That’s life. That’s why we have compromise. It’s this idea, not only that it’s good to give a little to get a little, but that there’s a third party that needs consideration in any debate.

That’s our Republic. Our country. Our system of government. However you want to put it.

I may have one idea about how to address and issue, and you may have a completely different idea, but we have to remember that in figuring out how best to address said issue, there is – or should be – deference to the system we’re sworn to uphold.
Say what you will about it. I know our country isn’t perfect. I know we’ve made – and continue to make – mistakes. But, we are a successful country with a successful government.

Seriously, think of how much the global map has changed over the last 240 years. It’s not as constant as you might think. Many countries have shrunk or disappeared completely. Some have grown exponentially only to be beaten back.

The United States blossomed from thirteen original colonies into 50 states, and remains strong centuries after its founding.

Quick side note for my liberal friends who are feeling a bit triggered already: I’m not forgetting imperialism or the fact that we still have several territories, of which none have proper representation. I’d love to talk more about this, but this particular essay isn’t the specific place for it. I’ll get back to it soon enough in another essay.
The reason I believe we’ve survived, and even thrived, over the last 240 years is because of the incredible strength of our founding documents.

Naturally, it helps that we have a system by which we can amend our core founding document. And, if that’s not the definition of a living document, I don’t know what is… Oops, my partisanship is showing. I’m working up to addressing it, I promise.

What has bothered me about the last several years specifically, has been the breakdown of our Congress.

They seem to no longer consider that third part of legislating. The regard for our system of government.

Naturally, as a liberal, I place a lot of blame for this on the shoulders of people like Mitch McConnell, who is on video saying the Congress’ primary goal was to try and make Obama a one term president. Not legislating. Not helping middle class Americans. Not solving hunger. No, it was all about keeping that guy they didn’t like from a second term.

It was so baldly partisan.

I have a confession to make.

As I grew up in Texas, and was raised by and grew up around Republicans, I voted for John McCain in 2008.

I know. I’m disappointed in me too.

Don’t get me wrong. I generally like McCain – though I think he’s occasionally lost his spine over the last eight years – but the thought that I ever cast a ballot for Sarah Palin haunts my dreams. I wish I could claim I was naive, but I was a 28 year old finishing up a masters degree in communication. I should’ve known better.

That uncomfortable fact on the table, it’s also worth noting that I didn’t dislike Obama. On the contrary, I found him enlightening. I like his positive rhetoric. I especially liked that he wanted to end the wars (Bush had specifically lost me with the invasion of Iraq). I just thought, perhaps unfairly, that he didn’t quite have the requisite experience you’d want for a president.

I was wrong. Obama had been President of the Harvard Law review, he’d been a distinguished professor of Constitutional Law at Chicago, he’d been a State Senator, and then a United States Senator. Compared to our current president, he might’ve been over-qualified.

I slowly came around to Obama. Very slowly.

The 2010 midterms didn’t phase me. Even though I had started to swing a little left, I foolishly still thought that it didn’t much matter who was in control of Congress because ultimately they usually reverted towards the middle.

Boy, was I wrong.

It’s also worth noting here that as much as I supported the idea of universal healthcare, I thought going after it right out of the gate was the wrong play, and I had criticized Obama for it. I thought he should’ve stayed focused on the economy.

I might be right about that. Perhaps that could’ve prevented the Republican landslide in 2010. Perhaps not. I’m not exactly privy to a lot of insider info, just what the guys on Pod Save America tell me.

But, after those midterms was where the real turn started. The Tea Party movement was gaining a lot of steam and I knew I didn’t like them. You’d see reports, however sporadic they might’ve been, that showed these people – often dressed in some sort of colonial garb – yelling racial epithets and holding signs depicting the President as an evil Muslim guy, or worse, a monkey.

It was disgusting.

Yes, I’d seen some of that during the campaign, but naively assumed that was an extreme minority. But early 2011, it was undeniable. There was something seriously wrong.

I listened to all the critiques and complaints of the Obama administration, at the same time trying to stay educated on what was happening with policy, laws, etc.

And, I came to a conclusion that I dared not say out loud.

I eventually ran out of excuses. It was clearly, whether they even realized they were doing it or not, that many conservatives hated Obama because of his name and/or his skin color.

Not all, of course. #NotAllConservatives. But, it was prominent enough to have a real effect on me.

Because, at the same time, I was seeing tangible differences in the country. Good differences.

The recession had wiped me out. And yet, I’d been able to go back to school and finish my grad degree, I’d been able to pull myself out of debt enough to move back into my own place, I was on the verge of getting healthcare for the first time in several years, and a lot of my friends gained the freedom to get married. Good things were happening, and yet my conservative friends were crying about the decimation of our once great country.

It didn’t compute, and it hastened my move to the left.

But, something else that happened after the 2010 midterms was unprecedented (at least in my lifetime) obstruction in Congress. Armed with that McConnell quote, Republicans in Congress not only were refusing to even listen to Democratic proposals, they were threatening to shut down the federal government if they didn’t get their way on certain things.

To this guy who was still kind of teetering in the middle of the political spectrum, it was damning.

Why would they threaten to kill the government over funding for social safety net programs?

I made no sense to me.

Why not just try and fix the programs to make them more efficient? If there’s fraud, let’s fix it so that only the people who genuinely need the help can get it. What happened to that solution?

Instead, it was threats that is these programs weren’t drastically cut, the Republicans would shut down the government. It was the ultimate take your ball and go home move.

I thought for sure this would outrage Americans. Sure, we may disagree on the best way to administer social safety net programs, but surely it wasn’t worth shutting down the government over. That’s something we very much want to avoid. That can have far reaching, damaging effects. Surely, we wouldn’t…

We did.

They did.

And, the thing that pissed me off the most was that Republicans in congress crowed about Obama’s refusal to “work” with them, which was clever code for “failed to meet our demands”.

And, worse than that, their followers bought it.

Soon my increasingly partisan conservative friends were all over social media claiming that Obama and the Democrats were being obstructive.

I was dumbfounded.

They controlled Congress. How could they blame the president for their inability to get funding for the government passed? Especially when they wrote it in a way they knew he’d never accept.

Because, here’s the deal. Remember that compromise we talked about earlier? Well, this is one of those key times when – in the past – compromise would’ve been the word of the day. The Republican Congress and the Democratic Executive Branch would sit down and hash out something that worked for both sides.

From what I could see, in the reporting I followed (from reputable sources), the Obama administration was making the effort. In fact, when deals would get done, Democrats would decry the bad deal the Obama Administration had made (think sequestration).

But, the Republicans remained obstinate. They were doubling down on obstructing until 2012 when they could take back the White House and govern the way they wanted, which apparently meant taking a sledgehammer to any federal program they weren’t particularly fond of and passing massive tax cuts for rich people.

I inched more and more to the left.

The 2012 election came and Republicans technically did the right thing by running a popular mainstream Republican who’d been Governor of a liberal state. Had he not been the first one to use the system that eventually became known as Obamacare, thus undercutting most criticism of the program, he’d have been the perfect candidate.

There was a problem, though. Republicans, in their thirst for power, had let the fringe Tea Party have a seat at the table. And, it bit them in the ass. Suddenly, tried and true Republicans were getting primaried, and many Tea Partiers stayed home on election day, or at least didn’t vote for the more moderate Romney.

Obama won decisively, but Democrats still didn’t win back Congress.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Four years of obstruction, capped off with the completely unprecedented refusal by Senate Republicans to even hold a confirmation hearing for Merrick Garland. If there was ever a last straw this was it.

Never before had one party bowed to partisanship so deeply as to completely subvert the standards and practices of our democratic system.

Sure, the previous six years had been frustrating, and people on the left were often angered at Republicans’ seeming disregard for our democratic institutions. But, they always had an excuse, however disingenuous it might’ve been, that they were trying to negotiate. They were just being very, very hard negotiators.

With Garland, they refused to even come to the negotiation table.

Keenly sensing that they might actually have a chance in the upcoming election, they obstructed and delayed. They took President Obama’s Constitutionally granted power away from him. They completely subverted an entire branch of government. All for selfish partisan means.

We’ve gone a full year with an eight member Supreme Court. One branch of our government is hobbled because of blatant partisanship.

And, yet, it worked.

It freaking worked.

Republicans were not outraged. Sure, some of them said they were outraged when Trump race-baited his way into the nomination.

But, at the end of the day, many of them still voted for him.


Pure partisan selfishness.

Whether it was for tax cuts, or rolling back LGBTQ rights, or whatever. One by one, my Republican friends voted for a man espousing patently un-American ideals because they thought maybe they’d still also get that thing they want.

And, now look at it. Look what’s happening.

General Flynn was fired/forced to resign yesterday because he straight up lied about the content of his phone conversations with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S., somehow hot realizing that all those lines would be tapped.

And, then the New York Times breaks a story that Trump operatives, in fact, were in contact with Russian operatives during the campaign.

This is interesting because we know that the Trump campaign was briefed in August about Russia’s efforts to undermine the election. Just days after he’d “jokingly” asked Russia to hack his opponent, he was informed that in fact they had done that and were actively working to hurt her, and help him.

His campaign knew that, and still had contact with Russian officials.

And, following the old saying that the cover up is worse than the crime, they routinely lied about having contact with Russia, just as Flynn lied about the content of his phone call with Ambassador Kislyak.

Our intelligence agencies have told us, objectively, that Russia interfered in our election, specifically targeting one side over the other. We know it happened. We know it was their goal to hurt Clinton. We know it is ultimately their goal to destabilize our country.

And yet, all I hear from my conservative/Republican friends is “give him a chance”, “fake news”, “you’re just bitter”, etc.

The hypocrisy alone is infuriating. We just spent four solid years investigating Secretary Clinton because she thought it’d be more convenient to have all her email go to one phone as opposed to two. And, oops, a handful of classified emails, none of which had any truly sensitive data that everyone else didn’t already know on them, got through. God help us, the world is going to end. The rest of the world might see where our last drone strike was…except they already know because there are websites that track that stuff in real time.

Oh, but Benghazi. Remember all those times throughout our country’s history when the Secretary of State was personally held responsible for a terror attack?

Yeah, me neither.

It was galling. And yet, there was a thought that chickens will come home to roost. Once Trump won, and was coming into the White House in open defiance of norms and laws in regards to his businesses and possible ties to Russia, sure enough we’d get our chance to investigate.


Republican committee chairmen are content to do nothing. And, somehow Republicans are mostly okay with this.

Are you serious?

This bears repeating. We know for a fact that Russia wants to destabilize our government. Our intelligence agencies have confirmed this fact. This isn’t a article. It’s the freaking CIA, NSA, etc.

We know what Russia is doing. They are now doing the exact same thing in France and Germany. We’ve caught them doing it.

We know their plans.

And, it seems, witting or not, that the Trump administration is somehow caught up in this thing.

At the very least, isn’t it worth having a thorough investigation to make sure everything is one the up and up?

And, if there’s nothing to hide, why isn’t the Trump administration jumping at the chance for an investigation?

Well, it could be because they’re guilty. It increasingly seems that way as a new story breaks every day and more people go down for it.

But, it’s also just blind partisanship. Republicans have sold their souls to a Russian devil for a small tax cut.

Would Democrats do the same thing if they were in this position? I’d like to think not, but I honestly don’t know.

There’s a good line from the Aaron Sorkin show Newsroom. At one point, debating the rise of the Tea Party, the lead character played by Jeff Daniels argues that the Democrats never would’ve nominated Abbie Hoffman for anything, nor ever sought his endorsement.

Sure, that’s a fictional show. But, I also think that’s a good point.

Say what you will about the DNC collusion against Bernie. I think it was overstated, but real.

But, in general, Democrats don’t seem given to rushes to the fringe. Sure, the modern Democratic party is becoming more progressive, but unless you’re a fundamentalist religious person, it arguably has been a pretty glacial move to the left.

Despite Bernie’s loss, the Democrats put forth their most progressive platform ever, and it actually wasn’t all that different from the direction we already seemed to be comfortably moving in under Obama. Nice and slow progressive movement, perhaps speeding it up in cases of social equality.

Naturally, everyone should be for equal rights, but somehow it’s still an issue. Republicans, for being the party of low government intervention, sure do like messing with people they disagree with. But, I digress…

Even if Bernie had been the candidate, the platform would’ve almost been close to identical to what it was. So, we’d be in a similar spot. In fact, I think Bernie’s big problem was labeling himself as a Democratic Socialist – a very misunderstood term – when really he’s just a slightly more left wing Democrat.

Anyway, I like to think the Democrats fundamentally wouldn’t let something like the Tea Party happen to them. At least not the running to the fringe part. As far as protest and obstruction go, we’re finding (sadly) the only way to fight fire is with fire.

But, in our case, we’re trying to protect things like social equality and the environment. We’re trying to prevent increased income inequality. We’re trying to prevent another Great Recession.

Republicans were constructive under Obama because they wanted to cut those things. They wanted to gut the social safety net. They wanted to eliminate arts funding. They wanted to privatize all healthcare. They wanted to get rid of all banking regulations. They wanted to get rid of all pollution regulations. They wanted to keep DOMA and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

They were defending a divisive and cruel world, a world of increased inequality, a world of decreased air quality, a world of haves and have nots.

Democrats are fighting for support for those in dire straits, for equality for all citizens, for fair treatment of workers, for a planet we can leave our children.

It’s worth fighting for. It’s positive.

And, it’s all being sold out right now. Defending what the Republicans did in Congress under Obama was one thing. But, standing by Trump as revelation after revelation come out about the extent of Russia’s meddling in the election, isn’t just partisan. It’s un-American.

It’s selling our democratic institutions up the river in favor of hopefully getting that pet issue you love satisfied.

It’s despicable.

Care about our system of government. Don’t burn it down for personal gain. Nothing will be left to protect you when you’re in the minority.

(The governing minority, that is. Of course, Democrats routinely get more cumulative votes for the House, Senate, and White House. Thanks, regional distribution. But again, I digress…)

But, as we become more and more certain of Russia objectives, are you willing to perhaps destabilize the country for your partisanship?

That’s a question I would ask all Americans.

Remember this, Democrats. Let’s vow to never let this happen to us. Learn from what the Republicans are doing.

And Republicans, think on your actions. Broaden your perspective beyond selfish partisanship, and see what effect your actions might have on other Americans, on the country, and on the world.

We need to get back to honest governance. You win some, you lose some. You’re fair to the other side. You compromise when necessary, always maintaining the best interest of the public.

I may be a liberal. But, I’m an American first. I may criticize Trump, but I also criticized Obama when it was necessary. I want this country to truly be great, and I think you get there by being inclusive, fighting for equal rights and protections, and making sure citizens are treated fairly by other citizens. Those should be our ideals. That’s what it means to be American.

Let’s try it out.

My Indiegogo Campaign

Hello, all!

Today, I have launched an Indiegogo fundraising campaign for the 2015 Summer Tour of my comedic one man show, “And Then I Woke Up”.

Well, actually I launched it last week. It took me forever to make a video for it. I got in my head – or rather I let other people get in my head – and got to where I was really overthinking it.

This isn’t a huge campaign. Id say it’s fairly modest.I’m not trying to appeal to millions, though if I do, cool.

So, what is this for?

There are a lot of costs associated with going to these festivals around the country. They basically provide the opportunity to perform, while I provide everything else. And honestly, that’s really great. For us non-professionals that want to try and build our work into something, these festivals are a great way to get exposure. But, in the meantime there are travel costs, lodging costs, food, publicity and advertising, having enough to make sure I can keep paying rent while I’m gone, and biggest of all, venue fees. It costs money to run these venues and pay the well-deserving staff. That’s on me as the producer of my show.

All in all, I’ve estimated that this tour will cost me about $12,000 when it’s all said and done. To date, I’ve already spent close to $3,000. And, you’ll notice that my Inidiegogo campaign is for $6,000. That’s because I expect to put in just as much, and probably ultimately more, than I would ask anyone else to put in.

And, that goes to the incentives as well. It’s not a lot of trinkets that you’ll never wear or use. It’s mostly stuff that I have to work for. Whether it’s performing, collaborating, straight up working, or brewing, I tried to make my incentives something that I had to work to earn. I believe in working for what I get, and I thought this was a good way to run my campaign.

So, check it out. And please donate. I appreciate the support.

Also, please “like” and “share” liberally. These campaigns aren’t made by just friends and family. They’re made by friends of friends, friends of family, and friends I haven’t even met yet.

Thank you for your time and thank you for your support.

Hooray for Hollywood!


I’ll be performing at the 2015 Hollywood Fringe Festival


Where: The Complex in The East Theatre (6468 Santa Monica Blvd)


Friday, June 12 @ 9:00

Saturday, June 13 @ 7:00

Monday, June 15 @ 9:00

Thursday, June 18 @ 7:30

Saturday, June 20 @ 8:30

TIckets: On sale May 1st (I’ll post direct links on the 1st)

This is my first out of town show ever. It’s super exciting! Also, looking forward to seeing all my LA friends (and begging to sleep on their couches).

Also, don’t forget. Tickets for the Dallas Solo Fest go on sale tomorrow @

utd postcard 1

2015 Dallas Solo Fest!!!

I am incredibly honored to announce that I’ll be performing at the 2015 Dallas Solo Fest, June 4-14

Where: Margo Jones Theatre in Fair Park, Dallas, TX

When: June 4-14, 2015

My Specific Shows:

Thursday, June 4 at 9:00 pm

Saturday, June 6 at 10:30 pm

Sunday, June 7 at 5:00 pm

Tickets: $12

More Info:

This is a particularly exciting show for a couple of reasons. 

          First, it’ll be the World Premiere of …and then I woke up

          Second, it takes place in my hometown (sort of…I’m from Ft. Worth, but close enough!)

     Those that have known me for any amount of time know that the struggle to get to this point has been pretty tough at times. In fact, the show uses this for some good comedy. But, it was very real. When I made the decision that I was gonna go for it and really try and get my writing and performance career off the ground, it was at a time in my life when things really couldn’t have been any lower. 2008-2009 was devastating on several fronts. Like many people, the recession wiped me out. I’d finally (I thought) taken a step towards something good (my art gallery) when the economy went into the tank. I’d gone through a pretty terrible breakup. I’d had some issues at school that would end up delaying my graduation by years, and I’d endured several other (almost entirely by my own actions) personal struggles. It was bad.

     But, as I sat in the gallery one day, knowing that it was about to close, and knowing that I had little choice but to crawl back home with my tail between my legs, I made a decision. I decided that I was done working for other people (metaphorically, of course). From then on, everything I did would be in service to this very moment.

     And, it’s taken a very long time. And, it has rarely been smooth sailing. But, the moment is finally here. I’m premiering an original work at a performance festival in the place I live.

     I’m excited that Dallas is the first (followed, so far, by Hollywood, DC, and Chicago).

     A very big thank you to Brad McEntire at Audacity Theatre Lab. He’s the man behind the Solo Fest. Over the years I covered him as a critic, we became friends. Or, as friendly as an artist and critic could be. It was a little easier considering how amazing his work consistently is. This opportunity is a direct result of his belief in my work. He saw my first public performance last year and immediately invited me to perform in the Audacity Solo Salon in December, and apply for the Solo Fest. I owe a lot to him, and hopefully I’ll justify his confidence with a solid set of performances in June.

     Another big thank you goes to Erin Singleton and the team at the Nouveau 47 Theatre. Erin gave me that first performance opportunity last year. And, she did it knowing I was a critic. There has been some pushback from the local theater community as a couple of us critics have crossed over into performing, but Erin gave me a shot. And, that went so well she gave me a chance to submit a short play to the Nouveau Holiday Show, which also went well. Just like with Brad, Erin, has been an early believer in my work. And I’m grateful. Especially since it is a considerable risk to give me a shot in this town. A lot of people still think of me as a critic. A critic who has ruffled some feathers at times. Erin saw past that, and I’m eternally grateful.

    There are so many people to thank. Really, I’ll try to list some, but if your name isn’t here, know that the list is very long. And if I see you, I’ll tell you in person, which is always better anyway.

     To my teachers over the years. Faye Youngblood, Suzanne Borski Robinson, Donna Matney, Donna Clevenger, Larry Wheeler, Amy Jackson, Kelly Taylor, Justin Trudeau, Jay Allison, Shaun Treat, Brian Lain, Karen Anderson Lain, Thomas Riccio, and Fred Curchack.

     To Kim Jackson, Robert Hart, Joe Lipscomb, Nathan Siegele, Lance Lusk, John Michael Colgin, Danielle Clemens, Melia McFarland, Jillian Jordan, Carrie Helms Tippen, Jay Tippen, Shelly Stearns, Matt Ducey, Jesse Jenkins, Mark Lowry, Elaine Liner, my cigar shop family, etc, etc, etc. I have a really great group of friends who have always supported me and I’ll never be able to thank you as much as I should. But, I’ll try.

     And to my family. My choices haven’t always made sense to you, I know. But, you’ve supported me nonetheless and that really does mean a lot. It’s more than most people get, and I’m very grateful.

Thank you again to everyone. This is a super exciting time and I’m glad I get to share it with all of you. See you at the Margo Jones Theatre in June!

Etsy Shoppers: Kim Jackson’s High-Quality Posters

Check out the awesome artist Kim Jackson’s new Easy page! Starting with very high quality (and much requested) prints, but much more mercy coming soon!! Stay tuned!

Kim Jackson

Photo by Robert Hart Photo by Robert Hart

Thicker than your typical poster, Kim’s original cigar band collage mosaics are scanned at an extremely high resolution for excellent detail and color. You can even see the original signature.

Her originals sell from $1,500 to $7,000, but you can get one of these high-quality posters in her Etsy Shop, KJackArt:

View original post


Well, I sent off my application to NYC Fringe this week. Fingers crossed…

In the meantime, here’s a video I posted of my December workshop at the Audacity Solo Salon.

(For whatever reason, I can’t embed the video, so here’s a link!)


This was my first time workshopping this particular section. I’d done a version of it once before, but it had been significantly overhauled since then. Also, I was losing my voice 😦

And, my apologies for the low volume. The mic is on the music stand in front of me, and for some reason, it just didn’t pick me up well.

Oh well. It was a workshop environment. And I was mainly filming for rehearsal purposes.

Nonetheless, enjoy!!!

The writing process…

Lena Dunham: “I write under duress, often in my bed, often at the last minute”

     This is me with my first short story assignment right now. I know exactly what I want to write, but I can’t seem to focus on writing. I figure I’m about half way done, and I have six hours to finish and do at least one edit.

Is it uncouth to drink at 9:00 in the morning??

On the plus side, I’m enjoying this class on short story writing. I’m learning a lot.

And for those interested, my story is about a man who wants to make toast, but doesn’t have any butter. So, he goes on a not so simple journey to buy some…Yeah.

Have an awesome day!

A Very Nouveau Holiday Show! (Featuring me!)

Photo by Robert Hart
Photo by Robert Hart

On December 11, 13, 18 & 20, I’ll be performing, alongside my good friend Lance Lusk, an original short play called “Playing Santa” at A Very Nouveau Holiday Show at the Margo Jones Theater in Fair Park.


But, it’s not just Lance and me! Oh, no. It’s an entire evening of awesome short plays from some of the area best playwrights. We’re talking Brad McEntire and Ben Schroth up in here!

So, please go to the link below and RSVP. It should be a super fun show.

But note: I’m only performing on Thursdays and Saturdays. If you come on Friday or Sunday, I won’t be there. But, if that’s the only day you can go, you still should.

Ho, Ho, Ho, everyone!!!

The cigar band collage mosaics of Kim Jackson…

I wanted to take a minute to introduce everyone to my good friend and super talented artist, Kim Jackson.

Especially if you’re looking for an awesome holiday or birthday gift.

Photo by Robert Hart
Photo by Robert Hart

18″ x 24″ on canvas board

She’s a talented artist in many respects. You should see her on stage acting. Amazing.

But, she also works in visual art and her current work is nothing short of amazing.

Photo by Robert Hart
Photo by Robert Hart

This Hitchock is actually for sale. It’s 36″ x 60″ on masonite. $6,000

Visit her website for more info and to contact her.

It all started when she made me this piece for my birthday…

Photo by Robert Hart
Photo by Robert Hart

18″ x 24″ on cardboard

There are made of 100% cigar bands. Even the fine details. It’s really amazing. I’ve watched her work and it’s mesmerizing. The amount of talent and attention to detail that goes in to each piece is mind boggling. Multiple artists have attested that they’d never be able to do the same thing. It takes a high level of technical skill, a dizzying attention to detail, and an pretty singular vision. It’s really impressive.

Photo by Robert Hart
Photo by Robert Hart

18″ x 24″ on canvas board

And the best part? She does commissions!

Looking for that perfect holiday or birthday present?

Visit her website!

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